
Cookie Dough Birthday Cake

My eldest son turned 15 this week and as the son of a cake maker, he normally comes to me with a whole host of weird and wonderful cake requests.

But now he's a teenager, all of that has changed.

Gone are the novelty character cakes featuring Thomas the Tank Engine or Transformers and in are the chocolate coated drip cakes. My son has the biggest sweet tooth of any kid I know and can devour cookie dough like it's going out of fashion...

So this year he requested a 'chocolatey' cake. And that was the end of his specification. So I decided to pick out his favourite things and add them into one big cake...
I used this Dairy Free Chocolate Cake recipe for the cake base and then crushed up some oreos, added them the to a basic buttercream recipe (250g Unsalted Butter to 500g Icing Sugar plus a splash of milk and Vanilla Extract). I then drizzled the top with a milk chocolate ganache before topping it with these cookies and balls of cookie dough! The cookie dough does contain raw egg but I trust where my eggs are from and my teen loves raw cookie dough so who am I to argue?
The cake went down a storm and was demolished by the end of the week - the toppings didn't last as long with everyone picking off the cookie dough by the end of the evening.

I really enjoy making these drip cakes as they can be personalised according to the recipients favourite chocolate - my other half had a similar cake for his 40th earlier this year which was topped with Dairy Milk and let's just say that cake didn't last very long after him and his friends got involved...!

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