My names Liana and I'm cake-a-holic. I run a cake decorating business, am a single Mum to two boys and work full time in a Bakery in Nottingham. I started this blog many years ago as a way to chronicle the start of my very 1st bakery, Swirls Bakery, and on this blog you'll find lots of useful resources detailing how I went about starting my business to growing it to where it is today. I also blog my adventures in baking and some of the fun family stuff we do around the UK and more especially discovering family life out and about in Notts!
Mum, baker and expat
My love of baking began waaay back when I was a child, my Mum was a passionate cake maker (OK, so I was an eater more than a baker...) When we moved from the US in 1987 she 'borrowed' lots of baking resources and magazines from my Nana and I would often sit and flick through those magazines for hours on end wishing I could create such edible masterpieces. After my Mum passed away in 2003, I started to dabble in baking to take over her reins which eventually lead to the start of my first bakery in 2009.
After the birth of my youngest son in 2010, I had the opportunity to merge businesses with another local baker and so Swirls Bakery was formed to complement our existing bakeries and give us a chance to grow our 'cakey wings'.
I have a lot more time for 'fun' baking nowadays and my blog is now my safe place to share recipes, family moments and my love for my adopted hometown Nottingham. In 2011, myself and a few other local Nottingham cake enthusiasts started up a baking group for cake enthusiasts which people are invited to attend monthly to share recipes, cakes and raise money for charity. You can out more about Cake Eaters Anonymous here and on Facebook here.
If you'd like to get in touch about any aspects of my blog, or my bakery, then please email me at I am more than happy to be contacted to review any cooking or baking books or products. I will review each item in due course and give my honest opinion and it will be always be mentioned when a product was given to me for free.
If you'd like to enquire about placing an order then please see my website here Swirls Bakery.
Come find me here too:
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