A lot of you will have read about the plight of my husband and more importantly the role he plays in the running of my business. As March approaches we will be celebrating 17yrs years since our first date/snog/love connection etc which will mean we have been together for approximately half of my life. WHOAH.

I literally couldn't run my business without him and I hope he realises how much I appreciate every late night shop run, sugarcraft shop visit and request for 'plum ribbon, no not burgundy, plum. It's more plummy'. I don't think words will ever express how much I appreciate the support I get during those moments that every cake decorator faces when they have an complete meltdown or crisis of confidence after seeing a cake literally fall apart before their eyes. I never knew a man could survive for so long on takeaways and ready oven food and never hearing him grumble about the lack of domestic ability on my part means I can focus on the things I can accomplish rather than feeling bad about what I can't.
Mr SB will never tell you the secret that I guess a lot of men share which is their lack of confidence in their parenting skills but I see him with the kids and they love being around him. Our eldest son is now reaching optimum 'gaming age' and seeing them bond over a shared love of games and all things digital is lovely. Even when our youngest is poking his Daddy in the eye with a toy train at 5am he still remains calm and will often take the boys for breakfast to give Mummy a lie in after a late night baking.
So this post is a way of saying 'thank you' Mr SB. I probably don't say it enough and I'm sure I'll still be in a grump when you forget to wash up tomorrow or leave a dirty nappy on the bedside table but you know what? The good times will always outweigh the bad and that's enough.
Oh and guess what? I bought us tickets to see Adam Buxton at Broadway in March. I had saved some pennies to go for a romantic steak dinner but some things are just WAAAY better and I know you'll love this even more. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!
Advance congratulations for March to both of you! I too have a long suffering man behind the scenes - who can relate so very well to your Mr Star Bakery's blog 'Being a baker's husband'! This has to have been one of, if not THE funniest thing I have read this past year! I have shared it with friends - and if I have had a cake meltdown I revisit his words to make me smile & put my 'catastroff' into perspective! Enjoy your show, and each other xx A big fan of your work, your blogs and your husband's reflective musings!