
Valentines for the sweet toothed

OK, hands up who stole the last week from me? Come on, there is no way I have been that busy that time has just escaped from me...on no...hold on I understand. Mr Time and Mother Nature got together and decided to gang up on me - no fair!

So like everyone else in the UK I have been at the mercy of the weather. My road is officially an ice rink and school has been shut a few times now so my day has been chaotic to say the least. But being housebound has also meant I've had some time to think about my Valentines cake designs and get some samples made for you all to see and voila......here they are! Now available in multiples of 9, this lovely gift box can be yours for only £20 delivered to any NG postcode. I've already had a few enquiries since posting the pictures yesterday so they are proving popular.

I am also planning to add some new Valentines cookies and a small Love Heart inspired cake into the mix so watch this space.

It's good I love pink buttercream and hearts!!

1 comment:

  1. They look seriously good Liana! Lovely designs for Valentines.
    I would trade you some of that winter chill for this sticky humid heat we have :)
